Stories of HOPE | Share your Story


Today I choose life. Every morning when I wake up I can choose joy, happiness, negativity, pain… To feel the freedom that comes from being able to continue to make mistakes and choices – today I choose to feel life, not to deny my humanity but embrace it.

– Kevyn Aucoin

"I sat in your session for our Year 8's today and was personally moved by the information, but also so pleased to see the students engage with discussions about how they were challenged by the information you provided.

It was a great balance between facts and personal anecdotes that really lay out the issues associated with taking drugs."

Amanda Gook

Head of English, "WHY SAY NO"

"Kerrie spoke candidly to our parents and students on pertinent issues for their age and that was real and relevant to present experiences and issues. Her presentation was engaging to parents and students but more importantly, gave them the opportunity to discuss issues that they were keen to explore.

Kerrie's presentation also gave the parents and students effective and wise tools and strategies. We will be inviting Kerrie to deliver her program on a regular basis."

Ben J, Mooloolaba

1 on 1 Counselling

"Teachers are great at delivering curriculum and parents are fantastic at moulding students into responsible young men and women. But how do you train a child to respond to those more difficult questions in life, often the things that they simply shouldn't have to deal with but more often than not they have to. That is why our College had Kerrie Atherton from Empower Life Solutions and Stuart Rawlins from Healthy Mind, Healthy Future present a program to our Year 10 and Year 11 students called "What would you do if...

Kerrie is a counsellor with a wide range of experience and who has a personal story of her own that demonstrates how someone can overcome serious life problems.

Stuart has worked in the Police Force and has the expertise to address a range of issues and questions that young people have. Kerrie and Stuart presented a range of scenarios to the students and they were presented with the question "What would you do if..." From the feedback we received, the students found the program very helpful and informative. They were provided with a whole range of strategies to help them think through how they should act when confronted with that social problem that no one else seems to discuss with them. I encourage parents and teachers to find out more about this program as it is extremely helpful to young people today."

David Heyworth

Head of Senior School, "What Would You Do If"

"My mission is to save lives, help people find hope in the midst of suffering, and lead to them to their purpose"

Clients & Collaborators

“My family have known Kerrie for 4 years. I have 4 boys and my eldest son got into the drug scene and started being physically and verbally abusive to our whole family. Kerrie used her vast knowledge to help the boys through counselling, and when outside assistance was needed, she took the time to find the appropriate help for us linking us up with outside organizations to assist our difficult family situation. I can’t thank Kerrie enough for all the help she has given my family.”

Ang D, Maroochydore

Family & Addiction Counselling

“Having been involved with Kerrie on a number of projects involving both children and adults I can say that she is one of a kind. Kerrie’s passion for helping people in society is unparalleled and something that I have not seen before. Kerrie should be commended for her efforts and passion in helping people with addictions, mental health and suicide prevention.”

Stuart Rawlins

Founder , Healthy Mind Healthy Future

“After going through an extremely traumatic time in my life I lost hope of ever living a healthy, happy life where I would feel loved. Kerrie’s support was beyond helpful having someone I could trust in my life and talk to in confidence with zero judgement. Through regular counselling and guidance from Kerrie I began to find self worth and hope.  I would highly recommend Kerrie to anyone struggling with any battles no matter how big or small. “

Ben J, Mooloolaba

1 on 1 Counselling

“My son had been struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts and also anxiety for some time, he also was experiencing bullying at school … I took him to see Kerrie and my son has been stable and calm now for about 2 months,  is quite an achievement for him! His anxiety attacks have diminished and he hasn’t had any suicidal episodes for 2 months after only 4 appointments. I cant tell you how grateful I am for Kerrie and her love, wisdom, guidance and support.”

Anon, Maroochydore

Trauma Counselling