“Our Mission”


Hope | Trust | Empathy

Our Mission is bigger than our Practice

“Our Mission is to save lives, to help people find HOPE in the midst of suffering and darkness and to help them realise that they were born for a greater purpose. To empower them to be released and free to go on and carry that out and in turn positively impact the world around them.”

Being a person who cares very much about the individual I also have a deep understanding of just how important it is to provide a platform to

those who are experiencing difficulties and pain in their own lives to be able to come together in a space where there are no walls, there is no fear of judgement and the only agenda is simply to give and receive HOPE.

It is this idea that birthed Stories of HOPE.

For me, this is the ultimate expression of love and the greatest gift I can give to not only the individual but the wider community simultaneously. My mantras of ‘Don’t do life alone’ and ‘Together is better’, are at the very core of everything I do.